The ENCODE Project generated a wealth of data and publications on DNA and RNA regulatory elements. All this data is freely accesible in their web and most of it also via other sources.

In this example we’ll use ENCODE data downloaded from the UCSC at [http://http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/] to study the chromatin conformation of a small genomic region in the K562 cell line.

We’ll plot the TP53 region and our plot will contain: the genes in the region, the chromatin state as defined by a hidden markov model (HMM) and the peak profiles for a number of histone modifications and a few DNA-binding elements.

Let’s start

We’ll start by defining the region we want to plot and creating a basic karyoplot of that region.

TP53.region <- toGRanges("chr17:7,564,422-7,602,719")

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region)

plot of chunk Figure1

And we’ll start by plotting the genes in this region using kpPlotGenes. We’ll first load the TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, and create a gene.data structure with it so kpPlotGenes can work.


genes.data <- makeGenesDataFromTxDb(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,
                                    plot.transcripts = TRUE, 
                                    plot.transcripts.structure = TRUE)

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data)

plot of chunk Figure2

We can see all different transcripts for the genes in this region and a number istead of a gene symbol. We’ll use mergeTranscripts to merge all trascripts of each gene into one and addGeneNames to transform the identifiers into standard gene symbols using the data in org.Hs.eg.db. Since we have created the genes.data automatically, addGeneNames will recognize and load the required orgDB object automatically. We’ll also use cex to increase the size of the chromosome name.

genes.data <- addGeneNames(genes.data)
genes.data <- mergeTranscripts(genes.data)

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data)

plot of chunk Figure3

This is a more suitable representation of the genes for our purpose.

The next step will be using r0 and r1 to plot the genes at the bottom of the plotting area to leave space for the other data elements. We’ll also increase the font text size using gene.name.cex.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.15, gene.name.cex = 2)

plot of chunk Figure4

In our next step, we’ll load the genome state HMM results. We will first use BiocFileCache to download the data file and make it persistent between sessions. This means that we’ll download the file once to our disk and it will be there for us next time.

To load the data into R we’ll use toGRanges from package regioneR.

bfc <- BiocFileCache(ask=FALSE)
K562.hmm.file <- bfcrpath(bfc, "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHmm/wgEncodeBroadHmmK562HMM.bed.gz")
K562.hmm <- toGRanges(K562.hmm.file)
## GRanges object with 622257 ranges and 4 metadata columns:
##            seqnames              ranges strand |              name
##               <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> |       <character>
##        [1]     chr1         10001-10600      * | 15_Repetitive/CNV
##        [2]     chr1         10601-10937      * | 13_Heterochrom/lo
##        [3]     chr1         10938-11937      * |       8_Insulator
##        [4]     chr1         11938-12337      * | 5_Strong_Enhancer
##        [5]     chr1         12338-13137      * |   7_Weak_Enhancer
##        ...      ...                 ...    ... .               ...
##   [622253]     chrX 155256807-155257806      * |       11_Weak_Txn
##   [622254]     chrX 155257807-155259206      * |       8_Insulator
##   [622255]     chrX 155259207-155259406      * |   6_Weak_Enhancer
##   [622256]     chrX 155259407-155259606      * |   7_Weak_Enhancer
##   [622257]     chrX 155259607-155260406      * | 15_Repetitive/CNV
##                score     itemRgb               thick
##            <numeric> <character>           <IRanges>
##        [1]         0     #F5F5F5         10001-10600
##        [2]         0     #F5F5F5         10601-10937
##        [3]         0     #0ABEFE         10938-11937
##        [4]         0     #FACA00         11938-12337
##        [5]         0     #FFFC04         12338-13137
##        ...       ...         ...                 ...
##   [622253]         0     #99FF66 155256807-155257806
##   [622254]         0     #0ABEFE 155257807-155259206
##   [622255]         0     #FFFC04 155259207-155259406
##   [622256]         0     #FFFC04 155259407-155259606
##   [622257]         0     #F5F5F5 155259607-155260406
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 23 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

We can see that for each region we have a name and a color. We’ll use the color column to set the colors of the regions when calling kpPlotRegions.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.15, gene.name.cex = 2)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.22, r1=0.3)

plot of chunk Figure6 We can see that we have the most interesting part in the region where the two genes overlap. To start identifying the elements in the plot we’ll use kpAddLabels.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.15, gene.name.cex = 2)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.22, r1=0.3)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.22, r1=0.3, cex=2)

plot of chunk Figure7

Now that we have the context, we can start adding the epigenetic data. In this case we’ll plot data contained in BigWig files using kpPlotBigWig. Internally, kpPlotBigWig uses rtracklayer’s BigWigFile to import BigWig data. This allows it to take advantage of the BigWig index and remote loading: we can plot bigwig files either in our own computer or in external servers (as we will see now) and in any case, only the data required to our plot will be loaded. In this example we’ll use the ENCODE data passing the remote file URL to kpPlotBigWig and the function will only download the data overlapping the visible part of the genome.

IMPORTANT! Due to restrictions in rtracklayer bigwig management, kpPlotBigWig does not work on Windows. It only works on Linux and Mac computers.

As a first example, we’ll plot the trimethylation levels of the lysine 4 of the histone 3 (H3K4me3). And we will plot it bewteen 0.35 and 1.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.15, gene.name.cex = 2)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.22, r1=0.3)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.22, r1=0.3, cex=2)

bigwig.file <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHistone/wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562H3k4me3StdSig.bigWig"

kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, r0=0.35, r1=1)

plot of chunk Figure8

We can see a new gray line with a tiny wiggle in the red region. This is not very informative. The problem we are seeing is that the default ymax value is set to “global”, that is, ymax will be automatically set to the height of the tallest peak in the genome, which is much higher than the signal we see in our region. If we set ymax="visible.region", ymax will be adjusted to the height of the peaks in the visible region, producing a much nicer plot (and usually more informative).

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.15, gene.name.cex = 2)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.22, r1=0.3)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.22, r1=0.3, cex=2)

bigwig.file <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHistone/wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562H3k4me3StdSig.bigWig"

kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, ymax="visible.region", r0=0.35, r1=1)

plot of chunk Figure9

To produce this plot, kpPlotBigWig connected to the UCSC servers, extracted the data in the bigwig file overlapping the visible region, computed the maximum value to set ymax and plotted the data.

We can now add other histone modifications to the plot, for example, histone 3 lysine 36 trimethylation (H3K36me3). For that well have to adjust the r0 and r1 specifications.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.15, gene.name.cex = 2)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.22, r1=0.3)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.22, r1=0.3, cex=2)

H3K4me3.bw <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHistone/wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562H3k4me3StdSig.bigWig"
kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=H3K4me3.bw, ymax="visible.region", r0=0.35, r1=0.65)

H3K36me3.bw <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHistone/wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562H3k36me3StdSig.bigWig"
kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=H3K36me3.bw, ymax="visible.region", r0=0.7, r1=1)

plot of chunk Figure10

And we can see a pretty different peak profile. However, we are missing some information here: are these peaks comparable? What is the relative height of each one? To help us interpret what we see we can add y axis.

To automatically adjust the axis we will take advantage of the fact that kpPlotBigWig returns the original karyoplot object with the computed value for ymax attached. We have to assign the result of kpPlotBigWig to kp and access the values at kp$latest.plot$computed.values.

We wil also add a label to identify each chromatin mark.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.15, gene.name.cex = 2)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.22, r1=0.3)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.22, r1=0.3, cex=2)

H3K4me3.bw <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHistone/wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562H3k4me3StdSig.bigWig"
kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=H3K4me3.bw, ymax="visible.region", r0=0.35, r1=0.65)
computed.ymax <- kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax
kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, r0=0.35, r1=0.65)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "H3K4me3", r0=0.35, r1=0.65, cex=1.6, label.margin = 0.035)

H3K36me3.bw <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHistone/wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562H3k36me3StdSig.bigWig"
kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=H3k36me3.bw, ymax="visible.region", r0=0.7, r1=1)
computed.ymax <- kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax
kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, r0=0.7, r1=1)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "H3K36me3", r0=0.7, r1=1, cex=1.6, label.margin = 0.035)

plot of chunk Figure11

And we can see that the values for H3K4me3 are about four times higher than the ones for H3K36me3.

What we can also see is that we have started repeating code and that it would be better to use a loop for that. We will use the autotrack function to automatically get the r0 and r1 values.

In addition, we will improve the axis definition with a ceiling call.

histone.marks <- c(H3K4me3="wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562H3k4me3StdSig.bigWig",

base.url <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHistone/"

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.15, gene.name.cex = 2)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.22, r1=0.3)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.22, r1=0.3, cex=2)

for(i in seq_len(length(histone.marks))) {
  bigwig.file <- paste0(base.url, histone.marks[i])
  at <- autotrack(i, length(histone.marks), r0=0.35, r1=1)
  kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, ymax="visible.region", 
                     r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1)
  computed.ymax <- ceiling(kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax)
  kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, numticks = 2, r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1)
  kpAddLabels(kp, labels = names(histone.marks)[i], r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, 
              cex=1.6, label.margin = 0.035)

plot of chunk Figure12

Once we have the for loop and the autotrack in place, we can increase the number of histone marks and everything will autoadjust.

histone.marks <- c(H3K4me3="wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562H3k4me3StdSig.bigWig",

base.url <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHistone/"

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.15, gene.name.cex = 2)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.22, r1=0.3)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.22, r1=0.3, cex=2)

for(i in seq_len(length(histone.marks))) {
  bigwig.file <- paste0(base.url, histone.marks[i])
  at <- autotrack(i, length(histone.marks), r0=0.35, r1=1, margin = 0.1)
  kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, ymax="visible.region", 
                     r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1)
  computed.ymax <- ceiling(kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax)
  kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, numticks = 2, r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1)
  kpAddLabels(kp, labels = names(histone.marks)[i], r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, 
              cex=1.6, label.margin = 0.035)

plot of chunk Figure13

We can now adjust the plotting parameters to reduce the margins and the ideogram height and change the colors to improve the general appearance of the plot.

pp <- getDefaultPlotParams(plot.type=1)
pp$leftmargin <- 0.15
pp$topmargin <- 15
pp$bottommargin <- 15
pp$ideogramheight <- 5
pp$data1inmargin <- 10

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2, plot.params = pp)
kpAddBaseNumbers(kp, tick.dist = 10000, minor.tick.dist = 2000,
                 add.units = TRUE, cex=1.3, digits = 6)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.1, gene.name.cex = 2)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.15, r1=0.18)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.15, r1=0.18, cex=2)

for(i in seq_len(length(histone.marks))) {
  bigwig.file <- paste0(base.url, histone.marks[i])
  at <- autotrack(i, length(histone.marks), r0=0.23, r1=1, margin = 0.1)
  kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, ymax="visible.region",
                     r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, col = "cadetblue2")
  computed.ymax <- ceiling(kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax)
  kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, numticks = 2, r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1)
  kpAddLabels(kp, labels = names(histone.marks)[i], r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, 
              cex=1.6, label.margin = 0.035)

plot of chunk Figure14

And we can even add other experimental peaks and use nested autotrack to position them all.

base.url <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHistone/"
histone.marks <- c(H3K4me3="wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562H3k4me3StdSig.bigWig",

DNA.binding <- c(CTCF="wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562CtcfStdSig.bigWig",

pp <- getDefaultPlotParams(plot.type=1)
pp$leftmargin <- 0.15
pp$topmargin <- 15
pp$bottommargin <- 15
pp$ideogramheight <- 5
pp$data1inmargin <- 10

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=2, plot.params = pp)
kpAddBaseNumbers(kp, tick.dist = 10000, minor.tick.dist = 2000,
                 add.units = TRUE, cex=1.3, digits = 6)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.1, gene.name.cex = 2)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.15, r1=0.18)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.15, r1=0.18, cex=2)

#Histone marks
total.tracks <- length(histone.marks)+length(DNA.binding)
out.at <- autotrack(1:length(histone.marks), total.tracks, margin = 0.3, r0=0.23)

for(i in seq_len(length(histone.marks))) {
  bigwig.file <- paste0(base.url, histone.marks[i])
  at <- autotrack(i, length(histone.marks), r0=out.at$r0, r1=out.at$r1, margin = 0.1)
  kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, ymax="visible.region",
                     r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, col = "cadetblue2")
  computed.ymax <- ceiling(kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax)
  kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, numticks = 2, r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1)
  kpAddLabels(kp, labels = names(histone.marks)[i], r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, 
              cex=1.6, label.margin = 0.035)

#DNA binding proteins
out.at <- autotrack((length(histone.marks)+1):total.tracks, total.tracks, margin = 0.3, r0=0.23)

for(i in seq_len(length(DNA.binding))) {
  bigwig.file <- paste0(base.url, DNA.binding[i])
  at <- autotrack(i, length(DNA.binding), r0=out.at$r0, r1=out.at$r1, margin = 0.1)
  kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, ymax="visible.region",
                     r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, col = "darkolivegreen1")
  computed.ymax <- ceiling(kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax)
  kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, numticks = 2, r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1)
  kpAddLabels(kp, labels = names(DNA.binding)[i], r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, 
              cex=1.6, label.margin = 0.035)

plot of chunk Figure15

And add a main title, a couple of additional labels and adjust a few parameters (text sizes, etc…) to get a better final image.

base.url <- "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeBroadHistone/"
histone.marks <- c(H3K4me3="wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562H3k4me3StdSig.bigWig",

DNA.binding <- c(CTCF="wgEncodeBroadHistoneK562CtcfStdSig.bigWig",

pp <- getDefaultPlotParams(plot.type=1)
pp$leftmargin <- 0.15
pp$topmargin <- 15
pp$bottommargin <- 15
pp$ideogramheight <- 5
pp$data1inmargin <- 10
pp$data1outmargin <- 0

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.region, cex=3, plot.params = pp)
kpAddBaseNumbers(kp, tick.dist = 10000, minor.tick.dist = 2000,
                 add.units = TRUE, cex=2, tick.len = 3)
kpAddMainTitle(kp, "Epigenetic Regulation in K562", cex=4)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.1, gene.name.cex = 2.5)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.15, r1=0.18)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.15, r1=0.18, cex=2.5)

#Histone marks
total.tracks <- length(histone.marks)+length(DNA.binding)
out.at <- autotrack(1:length(histone.marks), total.tracks, margin = 0.3, r0=0.23)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Histone marks", r0 = out.at$r0, r1=out.at$r1, cex=3.5,
            srt=90, pos=1, label.margin = 0.14)

for(i in seq_len(length(histone.marks))) {
  bigwig.file <- paste0(base.url, histone.marks[i])
  at <- autotrack(i, length(histone.marks), r0=out.at$r0, r1=out.at$r1, margin = 0.1)
  kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, ymax="visible.region",
                     r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, col = "cadetblue2")
  computed.ymax <- ceiling(kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax)
  kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, tick.pos = computed.ymax, 
         r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, cex=1.6)
  kpAddLabels(kp, labels = names(histone.marks)[i], r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, 
              cex=2.2, label.margin = 0.035)

#DNA binding proteins
out.at <- autotrack((length(histone.marks)+1):total.tracks, total.tracks, margin = 0.3, r0=0.23)

kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "DNA-binding proteins", r0 = out.at$r0, r1=out.at$r1,
             cex=3.5, srt=90, pos=1, label.margin = 0.14)
for(i in seq_len(length(DNA.binding))) {
  bigwig.file <- paste0(base.url, DNA.binding[i])
  at <- autotrack(i, length(DNA.binding), r0=out.at$r0, r1=out.at$r1, margin = 0.1)
  kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, ymax="visible.region",
                     r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, col = "darkolivegreen1")
  computed.ymax <- ceiling(kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax)
  kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, tick.pos = computed.ymax, 
         r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, cex=1.6)
  kpAddLabels(kp, labels = names(DNA.binding)[i], r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, 
              cex=2.2, label.margin = 0.035)

plot of chunk Figure16

As always with karyoploteR, we can change the plotting region (zoom in this case) to plot any part of the genome, for example, a detailed view of the overlapping zone.

TP53.promoter.region <- toGRanges("chr17:7586000-7596000")
kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = TP53.promoter.region, cex=3, plot.params = pp)
kpAddBaseNumbers(kp, tick.dist = 10000, minor.tick.dist = 2000,
                 add.units = TRUE, cex=2, tick.len = 3)
kpAddMainTitle(kp, "Epigenetic Regulation in K562", cex=4)
kpPlotGenes(kp, data=genes.data, r0=0, r1=0.1, gene.name.cex = 2.5)
kpPlotRegions(kp, K562.hmm, col=K562.hmm$itemRgb, r0=0.15, r1=0.18)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Chromatin\nState (HMM)", r0=0.15, r1=0.18, cex=2.5)

#Histone marks
total.tracks <- length(histone.marks)+length(DNA.binding)
out.at <- autotrack(1:length(histone.marks), total.tracks, margin = 0.3, r0=0.23)
kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "Histone marks", r0 = out.at$r0, r1=out.at$r1, cex=3.5,
            srt=90, pos=1, label.margin = 0.14)

for(i in seq_len(length(histone.marks))) {
  bigwig.file <- paste0(base.url, histone.marks[i])
  at <- autotrack(i, length(histone.marks), r0=out.at$r0, r1=out.at$r1, margin = 0.1)
  kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, ymax="visible.region",
                     r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, col = "cadetblue2")
  computed.ymax <- ceiling(kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax)
  kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, tick.pos = computed.ymax, 
         r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, cex=1.6)
  kpAddLabels(kp, labels = names(histone.marks)[i], r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, 
              cex=2.2, label.margin = 0.035)

#DNA binding proteins
out.at <- autotrack((length(histone.marks)+1):total.tracks, total.tracks, margin = 0.3, r0=0.23)

kpAddLabels(kp, labels = "DNA-binding proteins", r0 = out.at$r0, r1=out.at$r1,
             cex=3.5, srt=90, pos=1, label.margin = 0.14)
for(i in seq_len(length(DNA.binding))) {
  bigwig.file <- paste0(base.url, DNA.binding[i])
  at <- autotrack(i, length(DNA.binding), r0=out.at$r0, r1=out.at$r1, margin = 0.1)
  kp <- kpPlotBigWig(kp, data=bigwig.file, ymax="visible.region",
                     r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, col = "darkolivegreen1")
  computed.ymax <- ceiling(kp$latest.plot$computed.values$ymax)
  kpAxis(kp, ymin=0, ymax=computed.ymax, tick.pos = computed.ymax, 
         r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, cex=1.6)
  kpAddLabels(kp, labels = names(DNA.binding)[i], r0=at$r0, r1=at$r1, 
              cex=2.2, label.margin = 0.035)

plot of chunk Figure17