Plot the nucleotide composition of the genome

In this example we’ll create a plot representing the proportion of each nucleotide along the genome. Plotting this kind of data usually only makes sense for small regions, so we’ll use zoom to restrict the plot to a small part of the genome (in this case, the APC gene region). We’ll also add CpG islands location in the genome to see how they relate to the CG sequence content.


In this examples we’ll use data from different sources:

Let’s start

We’ll start loading the required libraries and loading the CpG islands from AnnotationHub. The CpG Islands are the source with identifier AH5086. Refer to the AnnotationHub vignette to find out how to explore the available annotation sources.



ahub <- AnnotationHub()
cpg.islands <- ahub[["AH5086"]]

And defining some variables we’ll need: the bases in the order we’ll plot them and a color for each one of them (we’ll use the standrad sanger derived colors).

bases <- c("C", "G", "A", "T")
base.colors <- setNames(c("#32C0F2", "#FFCC32", "#32C172", "#FE3231"), bases)

We can now use regioneR’s toGRanges function to create a GenomicRanges object with the region we want to plot (a genomic region containing APC), and partition this region into multiple non-overlaping tiles with the tile function from the GenomicRanges package. We’ll set the tile width to 1000 bases. We’ll use unlist to convert GRangesList returned by tile into a GRanges.

APC.loci <- toGRanges("chr5:112035000-112190000", genome = "hg19")

tiles <- tile(x = APC.loci, width = 1000)
tiles <- unlist(tiles)
## GRanges object with 156 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##         seqnames              ranges strand
##            <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle>
##     [1]     chr5 112035000-112035992      *
##     [2]     chr5 112035993-112036986      *
##     [3]     chr5 112036987-112037979      *
##     [4]     chr5 112037980-112038973      *
##     [5]     chr5 112038974-112039966      *
##     ...      ...                 ...    ...
##   [152]     chr5 112185033-112186025      *
##   [153]     chr5 112186026-112187019      *
##   [154]     chr5 112187020-112188012      *
##   [155]     chr5 112188013-112189006      *
##   [156]     chr5 112189007-112190000      *
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 93 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

The next step is to get the genomic sequence of each of these tiles and count the number of times we see each nucleotide. We can use getSeq to extract the sequence for every tile and us the alphabetFrequency function to count the nucleotides. Then, to get the frequencies we’ll divide each count with the total number of bases in each tile (we can get that value with rowSums) and attach the nucleotide frequencies to the tiles GRanges. When doing that we’ll select the columns explicitly to ensure they are in the order we want.

seqs <- getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, tiles)
counts <- alphabetFrequency(seqs, baseOnly=TRUE)
freqs <- counts/rowSums(counts)

mcols(tiles) <- DataFrame(freqs[,bases])
## GRanges object with 156 ranges and 4 metadata columns:
##         seqnames              ranges strand |                 C
##            <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> |         <numeric>
##     [1]     chr5 112035000-112035992      * | 0.188318227593152
##     [2]     chr5 112035993-112036986      * | 0.153923541247485
##     [3]     chr5 112036987-112037979      * | 0.190332326283988
##     [4]     chr5 112037980-112038973      * | 0.211267605633803
##     [5]     chr5 112038974-112039966      * | 0.228600201409869
##     ...      ...                 ...    ... .               ...
##   [152]     chr5 112185033-112186025      * | 0.154078549848943
##   [153]     chr5 112186026-112187019      * | 0.208249496981891
##   [154]     chr5 112187020-112188012      * | 0.172205438066465
##   [155]     chr5 112188013-112189006      * | 0.212273641851107
##   [156]     chr5 112189007-112190000      * | 0.195171026156942
##                         G                 A                 T
##                 <numeric>         <numeric>         <numeric>
##     [1] 0.195367573011078 0.222557905337362 0.393756294058409
##     [2] 0.165995975855131 0.314889336016097 0.365191146881288
##     [3] 0.179254783484391 0.350453172205438 0.279959718026183
##     [4] 0.163983903420523 0.290744466800805 0.334004024144869
##     [5] 0.210473313192346 0.235649546827795  0.32527693856999
##     ...               ...               ...               ...
##   [152] 0.185297079556898 0.381671701913394 0.278952668680765
##   [153] 0.182092555331992   0.3158953722334 0.293762575452716
##   [154] 0.241691842900302 0.310171198388721 0.275931520644512
##   [155] 0.189134808853119  0.28169014084507 0.316901408450704
##   [156] 0.228370221327968 0.301810865191147 0.274647887323944
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 93 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

With that we can now start plotting! We’ll use the zoom parameter to create a plot representing a small portion of the genome and then we can use kpLines to plot the frequency of a nucleotide along the genome.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom=APC.loci)
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$A)

plot of chunk Figure1

And we can use the same strategy to plot the frequency of each nucleotide at the same time. To differentiate the lines we’ll plot them in the nucleotide colors.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom=APC.loci)
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$A, col=base.colors["A"])
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$T, col=base.colors["T"])
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$C, col=base.colors["C"])
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$G, col=base.colors["G"])

plot of chunk Figure2

With that we can see that A and T are mor frequent than C and G, as expected and we can identify small regions where this relation changes. If we plot the CpG islands with kpPlotRegions using a transparent grey color we can see that the only CpG island in this region overlaps the region with highest proportion of C and G.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom=APC.loci)
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$A, col=base.colors["A"])
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$T, col=base.colors["T"])
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$C, col=base.colors["C"])
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$G, col=base.colors["G"])

kpPlotRegions(kp, data=cpg.islands, col="#AAAAAA44")

plot of chunk Figure3

This representation, however, might not be the best to represent proportions. A stacked area graph can represent this kind of data in a slightly different way where it’s clear that the values represent a proportion over a total.

karyoploteR does not include a stacked area graph, but we can build it with a bit of precomputation and using the kpPlotRibbon function. A ribbon is a variable width polygon defined by two lines, y0 and y1.

As an example of ribbon we can plot the distance between the A frequency and the C frequency.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom=APC.loci)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=tiles$C, y1=tiles$A, col="#AAAAAA44")
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$A, col=base.colors["A"])
kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=tiles$C, col=base.colors["C"])

kpPlotRegions(kp, data=cpg.islands, col="#AAAAAA44")

plot of chunk Figure4

Now, to create a stacked area plot we’ll need to stack one ribbon per nucleotide, one on top of each other, with the cumulative sum of the frequencies of the bases below it as y0 and y1. We can use lapply and the cumsum function to compute the cumulative sums for each tile.

cum.sums <- lapply(seq_len(length(tiles)), 
                   function(i) {
cum.sums <-, cum.sums)
cum.sums <- data.frame(cum.sums)
names(cum.sums) <- bases
##           C         G         A T
## 1 0.1883182 0.3836858 0.6062437 1
## 2 0.1539235 0.3199195 0.6348089 1
## 3 0.1903323 0.3695871 0.7200403 1
## 4 0.2112676 0.3752515 0.6659960 1
## 5 0.2286002 0.4390735 0.6747231 1
## 6 0.2072435 0.4215292 0.6830986 1

As expected, the cumulative sum of the frequencies for the last nucleotide, T, is 1.

We can now use this data to plot the ribbons. First, we’ll start with the C frequency. In this case it will go from 0 to the frequency of C.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom=APC.loci)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=0, y1=cum.sums$C, col=base.colors["C"])

plot of chunk Figure5

Then, we can add the next nucleotide, G, going from the frequency of C to the frequency of C plus G.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom=APC.loci)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=0, y1=cum.sums$C, col=base.colors["C"])
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=cum.sums$C, y1=cum.sums$G, col=base.colors["G"])

plot of chunk Figure6

And we can do the same with A and T

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom=APC.loci)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=0, y1=cum.sums$C, col=base.colors["C"])
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=cum.sums$C, y1=cum.sums$G, col=base.colors["G"])
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=cum.sums$G, y1=cum.sums$A, col=base.colors["A"])
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=cum.sums$A, y1=cum.sums$T, col=base.colors["T"])

plot of chunk Figure7

And with that we have our stacked area plot representing the frequencies of the different nucleotides.

To help the reader understand our plot we can add labels to the left of the plot indicating the nucleotide represented. We’ll position the labels automatically using the nucleotide frequencies of the first tile.

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom=APC.loci)

kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=0, y1=cum.sums$C, col=base.colors["C"])
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=cum.sums$C, y1=cum.sums$G, col=base.colors["G"])
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=cum.sums$G, y1=cum.sums$A, col=base.colors["A"])
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0=cum.sums$A, y1=cum.sums$T, col=base.colors["T"])

kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = 0, r1=cum.sums$C[1], labels = "C")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = cum.sums$C[1], r1=cum.sums$G[1], labels = "G")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = cum.sums$G[1], r1=cum.sums$A[1], labels = "A")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = cum.sums$A[1], r1=cum.sums$T[1], labels = "T")

plot of chunk Figure8

And to give it some context, we can add the transcript structure of the APC gene and the location of the CpG islands. To do that we’ll set r0 of the ribbons to 0.3 and add the gene and the islands in the space between 0 and 0.3. We’ll have to update the computation of the vertical label position to reflect this. To add the gene we’ll use the kpPlotGenes function passing it the TxDb object loaded at the beginning.

bc.r0 <- 0.30

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = APC.loci)

kpPlotGenes(kp, data = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, r0=0, r1=0.2, add.gene.names = FALSE, add.transcript.names = FALSE, add.strand.marks = FALSE)
kpAddLabels(kp, r1=0.2, labels = "APC")

kpPlotRegions(kp, cpg.islands, r0=0.22, r1=0.28, col="#FF66DDAA")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0=0.22, r1=0.28, labels = "CpG Islands")

kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = 0, y1=cum.sums$C, col=base.colors["C"], r0=bc.r0)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = cum.sums$C, y1=cum.sums$G, col=base.colors["G"], r0=bc.r0)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = cum.sums$G, y1=cum.sums$A, col=base.colors["A"], r0=bc.r0)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = cum.sums$A, y1=cum.sums$T, col=base.colors["T"], r0=bc.r0)

kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0, r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$C[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "C")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0 + cum.sums$C[1]*(1 - bc.r0), r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$G[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "G")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0 + cum.sums$G[1]*(1 - bc.r0), r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$A[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "A")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0 + cum.sums$A[1]*(1 - bc.r0), r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$T[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "T")

plot of chunk Figure9

If instead of the contribution of each nucleotide to the sequence we want to stress the GC content, we can add a line delimiting the space between CG and AT and a label on the right side using kpText. Since the text will be plotted out of the data panel we’ll need to set clipping to false. In addition, changing the colors so G and C (and T and A) have similar colors will help us on this.

base.colors <- setNames(c("#FFEC8B", "#FFD700", "#00BFFF", "#1C86EE"), bases)

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = APC.loci)

kpPlotGenes(kp, data = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, r0=0, r1=0.2, add.gene.names = FALSE, add.transcript.names = FALSE, add.strand.marks = FALSE)
kpAddLabels(kp, r1=0.2, labels = "APC")

kpPlotRegions(kp, cpg.islands, r0=0.22, r1=0.28, col="#FF66DDAA")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0=0.22, r1=0.28, labels = "CpG Islands")

kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = 0, y1=cum.sums$C, col=base.colors["C"], r0=bc.r0)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = cum.sums$C, y1=cum.sums$G, col=base.colors["G"], r0=bc.r0)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = cum.sums$G, y1=cum.sums$A, col=base.colors["A"], r0=bc.r0)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = cum.sums$A, y1=cum.sums$T, col=base.colors["T"], r0=bc.r0)

kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=cum.sums$G, lwd=2, r0=bc.r0)

kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0, r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$C[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "C")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0 + cum.sums$C[1]*(1 - bc.r0), r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$G[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "G")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0 + cum.sums$G[1]*(1 - bc.r0), r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$A[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "A")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0 + cum.sums$A[1]*(1 - bc.r0), r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$T[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "T")

kpText(kp, data=tiles[length(tiles)], y=cum.sums$G[nrow(cum.sums)], r0=bc.r0, labels = "%GC", pos=4, clipping=FALSE)
kpPoints(kp, cex=1, col="red", data=tiles[length(tiles)], y=cum.sums$G[nrow(cum.sums)], r0=bc.r0, clipping=FALSE)

plot of chunk Figure10

And to finish it up, we will adjust the plot params to reduce the top and bottom margins and to shrink the ideogram. We’ll also add a main title and adjust the font sizes.

pp <- getDefaultPlotParams(1)
pp$ideogramheight <- 10
pp$topmargin <- 30
pp$bottommargin <- 30
pp$data1outmargin <- 0
pp$leftmargin <- 0.12
pp$rightmargin <- 0.06

bc.r0 <- 0.30

kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom = APC.loci, main="Base Composition", plot.params = pp, cex=2)

kpPlotGenes(kp, data = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, r0=0, r1=0.2, add.gene.names = FALSE, add.transcript.names = FALSE, add.strand.marks = FALSE)
kpAddLabels(kp, r1=0.2, labels = "APC", cex=1.6)

kpPlotRegions(kp, cpg.islands, r0=0.22, r1=0.28, col="#FF66DDAA")
kpAddLabels(kp, r0=0.22, r1=0.28, labels = "CpG Islands", cex=1.6)

kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = 0, y1=cum.sums$C, col=base.colors["C"], r0=bc.r0)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = cum.sums$C, y1=cum.sums$G, col=base.colors["G"], r0=bc.r0)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = cum.sums$G, y1=cum.sums$A, col=base.colors["A"], r0=bc.r0)
kpPlotRibbon(kp, data=tiles, y0 = cum.sums$A, y1=cum.sums$T, col=base.colors["T"], r0=bc.r0)

kpLines(kp, data=tiles, y=cum.sums$G, lwd=2, r0=bc.r0)

kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0, r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$C[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "C", cex=1.6)
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0 + cum.sums$C[1]*(1 - bc.r0), r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$G[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "G", cex=1.6)
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0 + cum.sums$G[1]*(1 - bc.r0), r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$A[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "A", cex=1.6)
kpAddLabels(kp, r0 = bc.r0 + cum.sums$A[1]*(1 - bc.r0), r1=bc.r0 + cum.sums$T[1]*(1 - bc.r0), labels = "T", cex=1.6)

kpText(kp, data=tiles[length(tiles)], y=cum.sums$G[nrow(cum.sums)], r0=bc.r0, labels = "%GC", pos=4, clipping=FALSE, cex=1.8)
kpPoints(kp, cex=1, col="red", data=tiles[length(tiles)], y=cum.sums$G[nrow(cum.sums)], r0=bc.r0,  clipping=FALSE)

plot of chunk Figure11