Plot Types

karyoploteR has different plot types available, each one defining a global layout of ideograms and one or more data panel around them. Plot types are specified at plot creation time in plotKaryotype with the plot.type parameter and are identified by integers.

The simplest (and default) plot type is 1, wich represents the ideograms as horizontal bars vertically stacked with a single data panel above them. Plot type 2 adds a second data panel below the ideograms and plot types 3 to 5 represent the chromosomes as a single line of horizontal ideograms (think a manhattan plot) with variation in the number and position of the data panels. Finally, plot types 6 and 7 do not have standard data panels and can be used to create ideogram only plots.

These are the available data types:



kp <- plotKaryotype(plot.type=1, main="plot.type=1")
kpDataBackground(kp, data.panel = 1)
kpText(kp, chr="chr1", x=60e6, y=0.5, labels="data.panel=1", data.panel = 1)

plot of chunk Figure1


kp <- plotKaryotype(plot.type=2, main="plot.type=2")
kpDataBackground(kp, data.panel = 1)
kpText(kp, chr="chr1", x=60e6, y=0.5, labels="data.panel=1", data.panel = 1)
kpDataBackground(kp, data.panel = 2)
kpText(kp, chr="chr1", x=60e6, y=0.5, labels="data.panel=2", data.panel = 2)

plot of chunk Figure2


kp <- plotKaryotype(plot.type=3, main="plot.type=3")
kpDataBackground(kp, data.panel = 1)
kpText(kp, chr="chr1", x=60e6, y=0.5, labels="data.panel=1", data.panel = 1)
kpDataBackground(kp, data.panel = 2)
kpText(kp, chr="chr1", x=60e6, y=0.5, labels="data.panel=2", data.panel = 2)

plot of chunk Figure3


kp <- plotKaryotype(plot.type=4, main="plot.type=4")
kpDataBackground(kp, data.panel = 1)
kpText(kp, chr="chr1", x=60e6, y=0.5, labels="data.panel=1", data.panel = 1)

plot of chunk Figure4


kp <- plotKaryotype(plot.type=5, main="plot.type=5")
kpDataBackground(kp, data.panel = 1)
kpText(kp, chr="chr1", x=60e6, y=0.5, labels="data.panel=1", data.panel = 1)

plot of chunk Figure5


kp <- plotKaryotype(plot.type=6, main="plot.type=6")
kpText(kp, chr="chr1", x=60e6, y=0.5, labels="data.panel=\"ideogram\"", data.panel = "ideogram")

plot of chunk Figure6


Note: This plot type with full cytoband representation only makes sense for very wide plots or for a subset of chromosomes.

kp <- plotKaryotype(plot.type=7, main="plot.type=7")
kpDataBackground(kp, col="#CCCCCCCC")
kpText(kp, chr="chr1", x=60e6, y=0.5, labels="data.panel=\"ideogram\"", data.panel = "ideogram")

plot of chunk Figure7